+ FREE “Special” REPORT
“How to Become a Better Martial Artist”
By Master Richard Van Donk
Ninjutsu Yondan Home Study Course
Master Richard Van Donk, a 15th dan in Budo Taijutsu / Ninjutsu presents the teachings of Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu 97 Wazas which are broken down into 3 levels – Shoden / Chuden / and Okuden (This includes the special 14 Kuden wazas NOT revealed in Soke Hatsumi’s Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Book) and Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu written Wazas which is the required study for 4th Degree BlackBelt (Yondan) from the International Bujinkan Dojo Association. Learn Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu wazas from 3 step-by-step DVDs, 206 Page Detailed Manual, Hundreds of Pictures, History of the Takagi Yoshin school and genealogy, Soke Lineage charts, Yondan Rank Requirements, Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu, How to and how not to learn waza material and much more.
Learn Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu’s
“High Tree, Raised Heart School” as it is taught in Japan
TAKAGI YOSHIN RYU embodies this concept “Soft like cotton, hard like lightning; courage to win against ten thousand men”.
Easy to Learn Step-by-Step Instruction!
97 detailed Wazas– Sojutsu (6 ft Yari Art) – Postures –
Grappling– Sword – Throws – Submission
And Much More……..
What’s Inside the Yondan Course Binder Package?
Yondan Training Course Manual – 206 Pages!!
There is not another more complete Yondan or Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu Ryu Study Manual on the planet. Never has there ever been such a complete presentation in the history of this several hundred year old school. This is a living version of the actual school densho. Again, realize that in no time in history could you ever have access to so much of one school, especially at such a low investment to learn the material. This is your opportunity– one that those that started in this art before never had.
The Comprehensive Manual contains History, Aspects of the art, All the Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu ryu wazas in how to pictures taken directly from the dvd video lessons of the Shoden / Chuden / And Okuden Levels… This includes the special 14 Kuden wazas NOT revealed in Soke Hatsumi’s Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Book and the Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu written Wazas: (not on DVD) Yari Jutsu, Kodachi, Muto Dori . Each waza has an IBDA practice version that relates direct to the dvd instruction and the official often vague original densho version and often training notes on the waza. Plus the romanji , english translated name and the Japanese kanji name. Having a comprehensive study of the school in written and video form is extremely valuable for your progression in the Bujinkan arts. Many of these wazas at this level can only be understood by training with people that has had extensive training in Japan.
All the above is packaged into a beautiful Binder Course.
If you have not yet completed IBDA’s Shodan Course then first go here to start your journey there. You are welcome to purchase the Yondan material first from us but we highly encourage you to first study the IBDA Ninjutsu Shodan Course, the Nidan course AND the Sandan course so that you will better understand the Yondan material.
Shodan Course Information and purchase Options
Nidan Course Information and purchase Options
Sandan Course Information and purchase Options
The 4th degree (Yondan) Black Belt Package includes:
Everything that you need for 4th Degree Certification, except a training partner. Yondan Training Course Manual – 206 Pages!! containing All the 97 Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu wazas (all on these 3 DVD’s) which are broken down into Shoden / Chuden / and Okuden Levels in pictures from the dvds of:
1. Shoden | 2. Chuden | 3. Okuden
This includes the special 14 Kuden wazas NOT revealed in Soke Hatsumi’s Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Book.
THREE Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu Waza DVD’s – Teaching you waza by waza of all 3 levels of Takagi Yoshin Ryu.
Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu written Wazas: (not on DVD) Yari Jutsu, Kodachi, Muto Dori and more…
All this is packaged into a beautiful Binder Course.

Level 1
Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu
Waza Techniques
- Shoden No Kata
- Ura Gata
- Eri Shimegata
Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu
Waza Techniques
- Sabakigata
- Tai No Gata
Level 3
Takagi Yoshin Jutaijutsu
Waza Techniques
- Okuden No Kata
- Daisho Sabaki Gata
- Muto Dori
- Moguri Gata
Yondan Course in a Binder includes:
Everything that you need for 4th Degree Certification, except a training partner, Training Manual - 206 In-depth Pages, THREE DVDs of actual step-by-step wazas of Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu Shoden / Chuden / And Okuden Levels - this includes the special 14 Kuden wazas NOT revealed in Soke Hatsumi's Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Book. Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu written Wazas and Much More.....
Complete YONDAN Course Package #Course-yondan $447 Only $347-
This is a very Comprehensive Study Course offering at least 2 years of study for one low price.
Yondan Training is generally started after you have completed your Sandan training which dives you deeper into the study of BudoTaijutsu. You may have come to this website as you are most attracted to the Takagi Yoshin Ryu and that is cool. Start here, if you desire, but also get the require Shodan Course so that you better know all the terminology and to learn the foundational teachings that are required to learn this school. This Yondan Course assumes that you know that material.
At IBDA you start with learning Ninjutsu in the Ninjutsu Shodan Course where you get an in depth overview of the Bujinkan system of teachings while learning aspects of the 9 traditional schools. You also are taught and ancient body conditioning system called Junan Taiso, Meditation Skills, Stealth (both indoor and outdoor), Gotonpo (using the elements to your advantage), Throws, Grappling, and ancient, exotic and modern weapon basics. But most importantly you are taught Ninpo philosophy and how to use your mind better for self awareness and perfecting your heart and life.
Then you start the Budo Taijutsu Lessons with Gyokko Ryu in the Nidan Level Course Training. Then the Sandan Course and then the Budo Taijutsu Course that help you get insights on the subtle but yet powerful small approaches that make the art come alive for you.
You are welcome to purchase the Yondan material first from us but we highly encourage you to first study the IBDA Ninjutsu Shodan Course, then the Nidan Course and then the Sandan Course so that you will better understand the Yondan material.
Shodan Course Information and purchase Options
Nidan Course Information and purchase Options
Sandan Course Information and purchase Options
Yondan Course in a Binder includes:
Everything that you need for 4th Degree Certification, except a training partner, Training Manual - 206 In-depth Pages, THREE DVDs of actual step-by-step wazas of Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu Shoden / Chuden / And Okuden Levels - this includes the special 14 Kuden wazas NOT revealed in Soke Hatsumi's Unarmed Fighting Techniques of the Samurai Book. Kukishinden Ryu Sojutsu written Wazas and Much More.....
Complete YONDAN Course Package #Course-yondan $447 Only $347-
This is a very Comprehensive Study Course offering at least 2 years of study for one low price.
Binder course, Online study or Both!!
Complete YONDAN Course Package - Binder Without DVDs - ALL video lessons ONLINE -
Only $347-
Click Here for the Ninja Dojo
Qualities That Becoming a BlackBelt Can Give You Include:
Respect for yourself and others, Body Conditioning, A ‘Never give up’ Attitude, Perseverance, Endurance, the Ability to go past preconceived limits, Focus, Concentration, Increased Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self- assuredness, Awareness, Goal setting, and Achievement, A new family of friends, Emotional balance, Self defense, personal survival, How to be a teacher, perform in public, public speaking
Spiritual concentration, How to direct energy, Mental sharpness Competitiveness, Flexibility, Not to fear, feel safe, how to listen, to follow instruction Leadership, Responsibility, Peace, Resolve Personal Mastery,
Co-ordination, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

Which one of the above qualities could change your life?
I never imagined how my life would change from studying the martial arts. Yes, I expected a lot from it but there is no way that from that first time I entered a dojo I ever thought that I might get to the second level belt, much less get to a Black Belt. In fact it was only after two years of hard
training that I saw the glimmer of the possibility of becoming a brown belt. And after achieving that it took a few more years of dedication to reach Black belt.
Since that time I have traveled the world teaching and training with many great Grandmasters and became a personal student of several of these Grandmasters, including Soke Masaaki Hatsumi who shared with me his wonderful art of Ninjutsu.
I now have several students who have been promoted to 10th dan (degree) by him and the International Bujinkan Dojos. Amazing. My life has been blessed.
Join us on this path and start your journey today. We love what we do and are excited and passionate about it. You’ll soon experience why.
Okay… You made it this far without enrolling yet. Let’s get a little more personal together.
I really appreciate your reading this far (or skipping your way down here). I do hope that you join us in our Ninjutsu Training and that I get an opportunity to meet you one day. The Shodan Course is the Official Beginning of the IBDA journey. We also have a Shidoshi Teachers Course and separate Dan levels studies to 5 levels of 10th dan.
I have done my best to tell you in so many ways how this course can changed your life. Why? Because I have lived it and it has changed my life and thousands of other peoples. I know that it can change yours as well. I am sorry if I have been to bold but sometimes that is what it takes to get someone to take action on something that they are interested in.
I am not looking for a quick dollar, I already mastered that many, many years ago. I am not really even looking for a lot more students, as I mostly only teach teachers now. I am looking to change lives. I love to inspire people to live their lives with passion. Martial Arts teach inner harmony and freedom while you are learning to defend yourself and your family. This small amount of money can do just that. Well, you must add a lot of training, and perseverance. But that is the fun part.
I cannot promise that if you check back later that this offer will still be available at that time.
See you on the mat!
Shihan Richard Van Donk, 15th dan
Personal Student of Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi since the mid 1980’s

100’s of videos from Course
Shodan Manual in Sections
Techniques in Pictures
Spiritual practices-Meditations
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Progress into other Dan levels
Japan Rank Opportunity

IBDA has taken hundreds of students from a true beginner to Master level.
IBDA Bujinkan Organization
Bujinkan 25yr Masters Course
Ninjutsu Black Belt Course
Shidoshi Teacher Course
Budo Taijutsu Course
Lots of FREE stuff

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Bujinkan Masters Course
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IBDA Membership Certificate
Japan Rank Opportunity

We take you from White Belt to BlackBelt in 2½ years – 4 Years depending on how hard you train.